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Eure Genesungsgrüße an Dave!

davegahanLiebe Depeche Mode-Fans, heute wurde bekannt, dass bei Dave Gahan ein Blasentumor entdeckt wurde. Dave wurde inzwischen in New York erfolgreich operiert und erholt sich gerade von dem Eingriff. Schon am 8. Juni will er wieder für Euch in Leipzig auf der Bühne stehen. Wir haben gemerkt, dass es vielen von Euch ein Bedürfnis ist, Dave ein paar Genesungsgrüße auszusprechen – hier habt Ihr die Gelegenheit dazu. Bitte hinterlasst an dieser Stelle nur Genesungswünsche, alle anderen Kommentare werden gelöscht.

Sven Plaggemeier

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  1. hey dave !!!
    Ich und meine Familie wünschen dir gute besserung und wir denken an dich.
    werd schnell wieder gesund und wir freuen uns auf das konzert in münchen und dich nach langer zeit mal wieder live zu sehen.
    bis dahin,bussi
    love you

  2. Hi, me again!
    There is something that just came in my mind:
    I read a novel, a few weeks ago (some kind of medicine thriller: „Psychiatrie“ by Martin Kleen = physician and writer), and the protagonist, physician himself, is hunted by a gang of criminals. They want him to stop his work, because he wants to show the world that the psychotropic they sell is really evil stuff. So they want to break him down psychologically by scaring him: They succeed in faking a computed tomography image hat shows a big tumour in his lung. For sure, he believes in this professionally faked picture and, for some weeks, he, in fact, is so scared that he can’t go on working. But, at the end, everything is brought to light, and the hero can go on working.
    I don’t want to start any medicine-blasphemous rumours, but: If you are a famous star, loved and adored by so many people around the world, you surely also have enviers that want to harm you. How about this: The tumour was only a picture, the physicians operated you, because it’s their profession to operate (sorry, all medicine people, I don’t believe you are all criminals, but I also know some single stories that aren’t funny at all…) – I only want to say: Don’t believe in tumours that you haven’t seen by your own eyes! Don’t believe in illness-music, but in your own music of life!

  3. hallo dave
    komm bald wieder auf die beine
    wünsch dir alles gute und viel kraft .

  4. Dear Dave,
    I just read that you will go on touring! That’s the best news of the month, and it once again shows your strength and your power.
    I imagine: The tumour has gone away:
    T-UM-OUR -> The „UM“ is cut out, so the TOUR is really a LIFE TOUR!!
    We love you –
    Ariane, fan & journalist from Berlin

  5. Wish you all the Best, Dave.
    Get well soon.I think of you.

    Love you!

  6. Ich wünsche Dir,alles gute und die beste Genesung…..hoffe das es dir bald wieder besser geht….
    lg Anja

  7. All the best. Gute Besserung lieber Dave.
    See you soon in Germany:)

    Get well soon.


  8. Lieber Dave,
    ich sende Dir ganz liebe Genesungsgrüße von allen Fans auf meiner Insel (Rügen )… und freue mich riesig auf den 01.Juli in Hamburg.

  9. Lieber Dave, you’re so precious,but you’re strong, wish you all the best!

  10. Dear Dave,

    all best wishes from Germany
    Get absolutley fit and get well soon
    We´ll to be delighted for you that you get over the bladder cancer and OP.
    Important is just healthy living.You have very luck, i think.

    diana und sven

  11. Dear Dave,

    all best wishes for you and your family. Get well soon.
    Take all time you need to come back.
    I hope I see you in berlin.

  12. Get well soon David, and take time for yourself, because you are more important that you can even imagine!

  13. I wish you all the best. Get well soon. Take all the time that you need to become healthy. Im sending all my positive energy to your and your whole family. Best wishes.

  14. All best wishes for you and your family.
    Get recovered soon!!!
    I´m realy happy to see you in Leipzig at 08.June 2009!
    In Love

  15. Dear Dave
    we send all our positive energy that we possess to you,
    wish you all the best für your recovery!
    you can always count on your devotees (from Lusatia)

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