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Happy Birthday, Fletch!

Der beste Ein-Finger-Keyboarder der Welt feiert Geburtstag: Andy Fletcher wird heute 48 Jahre alt. Wir sagen herzlichen Glückwunsch und wünschen Andy alles Gute!

Sven Plaggemeier

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146 Kommentare

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  1. Happy Birthday Fletch!

    We all know, that there is no Depeche Mode without you at this time.

    Thank you very much and
    have a nice day

  2. Happy Birthday Mr Fletcher!

    I wish you all the best and stay healthy.

    Our best one- finger- keyboarder;-)

  3. meine verbeugung „alter junge“
    alles gute und bleib wie du bist !!!

  4. Happy birthday Mr. Fletcher!
    Wish you all the best for the future. Thanks a lot for almost three decades of fantastic music. Stay as you are, have a great Party after the show tonight and please watch your health. We want you to see you perform on stage as long as the Rolling Stones! ;-)
    See you in Hannover and Düsseldorf!

  5. Happy Birthday Mr Andy „Fletch“ Fletcheeeer!!! Have a nice gig in Spain tonight and a great after show party. And leave one of the cakes out. :-)

    Thank you and the other guys for almost 30 years of the best music, the best performances and great live shows! Keep it up!

  6. *verbeug* Ich ziehe meinen Hut und wüsch „all the best“ – auch an alle anderen Geburtstagskinder…

  7. Happy birthday, Fletch!!!

    Alles Gute auch an michaele (Kom. 27) und Goliath8778 (Kom. 7) und nachträglich an Lukas (Kom. 17)

    …noch wer…? : )

    Schönen Tag an alle : ))

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